VIDEO: “Landscape Painting” – Celebrating a Best-Seller and 60,000 Copies


The publication of my second book — The Landscape Painter’s Workbook — grabbed most of the attention in 2022, but it’s worth noting that this year was also my first book’s 13th birthday. With over 60,000 copies in print, “Landscape Painting” has been a best-selling book on the subject for over a decade. It has been called the “new classic of landscape art” and has graced the bookshelves at art museums in both the U.S. and Europe. A Chinese language edition was published in 2017.

I’ve received hundreds of positive reviews over the years. This review, from Don Demers, one of the leading landscape painters in the nation, is perhaps my favorite: 

Absolutely the finest book I’ve ever read on landscape painting! That list includes Edgar Payne, Andrew Loomis, John Carlson and Birge Harrison. Yours is better than all of them. Don Demers

This 2-minute video highlights some of the key chapters, topics, and reviews in the book and is accompanied by a moving score. Enjoy.


About Author

Mitchell Albala is a painter, workshop instructor, and author. His semi-abstract and atmospheric landscapes have been exhibited nationally and are represented in corporate and private collections. He is the author of the two best selling books on landscape painting in the nation: "The Landscape Painter's Workbook: Essential Studies in Shape, Composition, and Color” (Rockport Publishers, 2021) and “Landscape Painting: Essential Concepts and Techniques for Plein Air and Studio Practice" (Watson-Guptill, 2009). In addition to leading plein air workshops in Italy, Mitchell also teaches workshops throughout the Pacific Northwest. He has lectured on Impressionism and landscape painting at the Seattle Art Museum and has written for "International Artist" and "Artists & Illustrators" magazines. He also hosts a popular painting blog, which holds a top 20 spot on's "Top 90 Painting Blogs for Artists."

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